Sun FM Sri Lanka

Sun FM 98.9 Sri Lanka

Listen Sun FM Live Stream

Listen to Live Radio Sun FM 98.9 Colombo Online Streaming from Sri Lanka, Sun FM is a number 01 English radio station of SriLanka, Owned by ABC Radio Network, It telecast their live On-Air transmission on 98.9 and .7 frequency with the Capacity of 1000 Watt transmitter, entertains audiences playing, todays popular latest English local and classic songs, It work under the management of Asia Broadcasting Corporation Private Limited, It was launched July 1998, Its head office is located in 35th Floor, East Tower, World Trade Center, Colombo 01, You can call us on +94 11 2 337 555.

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
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