Suara Celebes FM Makassar


Suara Celebes FM Streaming

Listen to Live Suara Celebes FM Makassar 90.9 Online Streaming from Indonesia, Suara Celebes FM is a music community radio station of Indonesia they broadcast their live on-Air transmission on 90.9 frequencies, Its programs based on Information and entertainment, health, fashion and much more as listeners demand, it also plays fresh miss their dogs work hard to provide the best entertainment, Its head office is located in Jl. Hedgehogs Old 27, If you want to be a part of this radio then call us on 0411 – 833 909.

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
Here you can also enjoy V Radio 106.6 FM Jakarta.

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