Shree FM Sri Lanka

Shree FM 100.0 Sri Lanka

Shree FM Radio Live Online

Listen to Live Radio Shree FM 99.0 Colombo Online Streaming from Sri Lanka, Shree FM is a most powerful number 1 radio station of SriLanka which provide the latest information and entertainment at the same point, It telecasts their live On-Air transmission on 100 and .2 frequencies, it has proved to be the most reliable source of information, education and entertaining for the listeners of the area. It has successfully aided the listeners with varieties of informative and entertaining programs, It was launched 1999, Owned by Mr. Ryan Honter, It works under the management of Colombo Communication LTD (CCL).

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
Here you can also enjoy City FM Sri Lanka.

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