Saptakoshi FM 90 MHz Live Streaming Online
Listen to Radio Saptakoshi FM Ithar, Sunsari, Nepal Online Streaming Live on 90 Mhz Frequency. Saptakoshi FM 90 is a Nepali channel located in Ithari. It is a metropolitan area and has a maximum population. The city is active and is always hustling and bustling with the fast-moving life of the people. Moreover, the people have jobs and are always busy in their daily routines. The channel, Saptakoshi FM 90 MHz has over 5 million followers and thousands of people tune into the channel every single day.

This clearly shows the popularity of the radio station among the local community of the region. To keep up with the local people’s demands, the radio station has to work hard in order to keep the local community entertained. In doing so, Saptakoshi FM 90 MHz has been on-airing some of the best shows and programs all day long. Along with that, the news segment is broadcasted on the daily basis.
The local community relies on it for its daily news and sports update. It is surely a great way for the community to stay updated. Along with that, the entertainment programs are equally famous. In fact, the awesome collection of songs and programs presented by the channel is magnificent. It on airs nearly all kinds of genres, from hip hop to rap and hometown music, the channel has always managed to bring new and latest songs collection to the channel. Radio Marsyangdi 95 MHz Live Online.
Target audience:
Saptakoshi FM 90 MHz mostly has teens and young adults as its followers. They are fond of music and likewise, the channel tries its best to bring young people on the platform. In this case, the channel has on-airs all those kinds of programs that the new generation likes the most. Among them is the podcasts session. These talk shows are newly popular. In these live talk shows people sit and talk about current affairs and other matters in a much calmer and playful way.
Mobile app:
You can now easily download the mobile app for your android and iPhone and enjoy non-stop transmission all day long. The app is filled with a lot of features.
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