Radio Vaovao Mahasoa En Ligne


Ecouter (Listen) Radio Vaovao Mahasoa 106.8 En Direct (Live) En Ligne (Online) from Antananarivo city, Ecouter to En Direct Radio Vaovao Mahasoa 106.8 FM Antananarivo EN Direct En Ligne Streaming and Enjoy all Madagascar FM Radios News & Music Live Online Stream. Radio Voavao Mahasoa initially began playing jazz, simple tuning in, and light and overwhelming established music in the Madagascar. All with the latest and the strong frequency of 106.8 and with the goal audience member attention the channel got an option venue to the rock and down home music played by other radio stations. Team is trying to turn the FM Voavao Mahasoa into the first personnel channel with an instructive system and the first business executive. The official board employed its DJ’s, paying them a compensation of an hour. Today’s the FM Vaovao 106.8 work just for the love of fans of music. The channel call letters got to be a reference to a different open radio station on facilities and the studio has is working in all areas.