Listen Ouvir Radio Luanda RNA 99.9 FM Ao Vivo En Ligne Live Online Streaming From Luanda Angola Frequencia. Radio Luanda RNA FM EM Directo is a commercial Internet-based station in Angola. The connection between radio and its public has consistently been founded on equal trust. Radio doesn’t have the slightest idea about its audience teams. In addition to that, it never saw them and, for quite a while, it never heard from them.

It is okay to say that Radio and its audience have consistently been strangers to one another. The audience never knew who the voices on the radio are. We can say that the radio and its crowd have faith in one another without knowing one another. For quite a while, until calls from the audience were presented (in Italy this occurred in 1969 with the program Chiamate Roma 3131). This was the first time when the crowd could just pay attention to the radio.
The phone, and along these lines cell phones, email, Internet web-based, websites, and online media has continuously created a path of communication. At long last, present-day radio has turned into a possibly participative tool. It is a fact that audiences are now turning into an essential part of radio. McLuhan said that “in electronic media client is content”. This has never been more evident than today.
Before the era of the phone, the only method for relation among radio and audience members was mail. This was too little to even consider talking about crowd involvement. From the invention of the phone to the present-day live calls sessions, the radio has consistently been a medium of interacting with people. In addition to that, the first researchers to understand the worth of radio as a social media were Brecht and Benjamin. However, before Brecht, it was Walter Benjamin who understood radio’s extreme potential as a “social medium”. Radio Luanda Antena Comercial Listen Online.
Mobile app:
There is never enough radio. In today’s world where everything is being made user-friendly, Radio Luanda RNA 99.9 FM presents you with an app. Now you can easily get access to your local channels.
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