Radio La Kalle 95.5 FM En Vivo Online


Escuchar Radio La Kalle 95.5 FM En Vivo Online Por Internet De Lima Peru Gratis Caleta Musica Colombia. Radio La Kalle is a Music radio station for young audience. The old name of this channel is Z Rock and Pop radio in Peru. It broadcast High class Audio Stream for rural and urban areas that provide the most relevant inferences for personalized listening experiences. With the help of this station you can enjoy romantic songs becomes more enjoyable.

Género: Salsa, Merengue, Boleros de Oro, Bachata
Página Web:
Eslogan: Las tiene todas
Frecuencia: 96.1 FM Lima
Ubicación: Av. Guardia Civil 674 – Chorrillos
Lima Perú
Teléfonos: 252 – 1242