Paschimanchal FM 99.4 Mhz

Paschimanchal FM
Paschimanchal FM

Paschimanchal FM 99.4 Mhz Live Streaming Online

Listen to Live Radio Paschimanchal FM Gulmi, Butwal, Nepal Online Streaming Live on 99.4 Mhz Frequency. Paschimanchal FM 99.4 MHZ is among the top channels in Nepal. It is currently hosting around 5 million followers each day. This is definitely a great hit and the local community surely relies on it for their daily dose of entertainment and informational programs. The channel’s main agenda is to highlight the social and economic issues of the country.

Paschimanchal FM
Paschimanchal FM

In order to do so, Paschimanchal FM is always working hard to present the best shows and informational documentaries to hits people. This is a great way for people to get educated via radio programming. Since the literacy rate is not that high in the far north areas and the accessibility of TV is also limited.

The channel has the best collection of programs you can listen to. In addition to that, the podcasts are also a big hit among the local community. Many renowned people have joined in the conversation to talk about current affairs and their life experiences. Ruru FM 94.8 Mhz Gulmi Live.


Paschimanchal FM on airs music from all around the world. It has every genre for every age group and you can find all sorts of programs and songs according to your mood and desire. This is surely a great way to spend your holidays and boring days. Paschimanchal FM can help you with long boring drives. You can easily make your ordinary day a special one. Just tune in to the channel and have a time of your life with the best and most loved songs playing your favorite radio channel.


The people working on the channel are highly professional and skilled in their respective fields. They are always working hard and bringing the latest and updated content for their audience. As the matter of fact, the channel is run by a team of experienced workers who are reliable and the channel can count on them to bring the top-notch programming right away.

Mobile app:

The app for Paschimanchal FM 99.4 MHZ has become the latest hit of the day. It surely has all the features you need.