Lekker FM Listen Live Stream

Lekker FM
Lekker FM

Lekker FM Live Stream Online

Listen to Radio Lekker FM 98.3 Johannesburg, Aanbieders, Pretoria Live Online Streaming from South Africa, and Enjoy all South Africa FM Radio Live Online Stream. Lekker FM is an Afrikaans radio station. On, 11 October 2012, the channel made its first broadcast on the national radio station. It is a perfect channel for people looking for some entertainment and informational programs.

Lekker FM
Lekker FM

It runs it’s broadcast 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In the past couple of years, the channel has made its name among the top channels in the country. It is because of the quality of the content that on-airs every day. Lekker FM has the ability to target every age group.

You can listen to any genre of information according to your mood and requirement. The reason behind its popularity is that it puts light on general matters. Famous people tune into the channel to listen to these amusing talk shows. People come to the shows and share their perspectives on the situations and their personal experiences. Capricorn FM Live Stream Online.


Lekker FM has a great collection of music. Jazz, hip hop, Rap, and hometown. In addition to that, Lekker FM on-airs a music segment one a day for two straight hours. During that time period, no advertisements are played in between. And you get the luxury to listen to non-stop music. In addition to that, the channel is able to gain a big audience in exactly that time.

This is because more and more people tune in to the channel to listen to their favorite songs. There are definitely other programs as well that are equally hit. For instance, the pod sessions are a new hit these days. Many radio channels are bringing these kinds of talk shows in their programming.


Lekker FM has some of the most talented and experienced people in its offices. They are skilled in their respective fields and provide full entertainment experience through their hilarious and intellectual show skills. Radio is a very different platform and it is hard to impress the audience easily. This is the reason that the channel has to select its staff members carefully.

Mobile app:

Download the Lekker FM mobile application now and enjoy non-stop transmission at any time.

Contact Detail:

  • (Office)+27 (0) 12 664 1167
  • (Fax) +27 (0) 12 664 1187
  • (WhatsApp) 063 745 0 745
  • Address: Gerhard St Die Hoewes Centurion 0157 South Africa

Lekker FM

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