Kovsie FM Live Stream Now Online
Listen to Radio Kovsie FM 97.0 Bloemfontein,(Bloem) Live Online Streaming from South Africa, and Enjoy all South Africa FM Radio Live Online Stream. Kovsie FM 97.0 is located in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The channel is working under the authority of the University of the Free State. In 1978, it made its very first appearance on the national radio network. Being a university channel, it is run by the student group. The channel offers a great variety of programs.

You can find talk shows, podcasts, and other entertaining programs on Kovsie FM 97.0. Among all of them, podcasts are the most popular. It is the show where the team invites the renowned people of the community.
They talk about all sorts of stuff, from politics to entertainment and other personal matters. Due to this factor, the channel has around 5 million followers every single day. Kovsie FM also runs unbiased news. It is a local news network and is always active to present the most authentic news to its audience. Enjoy Kopanong FM Listen Live Stream.
Kovsie FM 97.0 offers transmission both in English and African. This is the reason that the channel is able to target a huge audience. In the past couple of years, it has won many awards for its great performance on radio networks. In addition to that, informational documentaries are a huge hit as well.
They let the student community learn new and latest stuff apart from the typical school education. Kovsie FM 97.0 is also a platform for the music industry. It not only broadcasts but also gives the opportunity to the new musician to try their skills in front of an audience.
Similarly, the people affiliated with Kovsie FM 97.0 work day and night to ensure the best content. They surely do not compromise on the quality and work hard so that their followers can enjoy a good show. The management carefully selects the people to be appointed as the anchors and show hosts for their channel. Therefore only skilled people make it to the radio station.
Mobile app:
Download the Kovsie FM 97.0 mobile app for any of your iPhone or Android devices. You can now enjoy the transmission 24/ 7.
Frequencies of Kovsie FM
- Bloemfontein: 97.0 FM
- Brandfort: 97.0 FM
- Dewetsdorp: 97.0 FM
- Winburg: 97.0 FM
Contact Detail:
- Website: live.ufs.ac.za/kovsiefm/
- Address: Thakaneng Bridge, University of the Free State Bloemfontein, 9301 South Africa
- Telephone: +27 79 855 0998 (WhatsApp)
- E-mail: kovsiefm@ufs4life.ac.za
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