Kapital Radio 97.1 FM Kumasi Ghana

Kapital Radio 97.1 FM
Kapital Radio 97.1 FM

Kapital Radio 97.1 FM Live Streaming Online

Listen to Radio Kapital Radio FM Kumasi, Accra, Ghana Online Streaming Live on 97.1 Frequency. This Kapital Radio overall is among the best ones running in Ghana. You can rely on it to give you the best and most reliable content. Kapital Radio 97.1 FM is the channel where you can listen to the best entertainment shows and music. The station is moreover dynamic all day, every day. Presently, keep yourself updated with the most recent music and partake in it all day.

Kapital Radio 97.1 FM
Kapital Radio 97.1 FM

Podcasts are another thing nowadays. Numerous well-known famous people have joined in the webcasts meeting and shared their views on what’s happening in their lives and around them. There is most certainly no lack of fun in radio life. It’s an obvious fact that an ever-increasing number of individuals are presently heading towards radio technology. Perhaps the station provides easy access to the music business.

Kapital Radio 97.1 FM presents you with music from all over the world. People can easily enjoy good quality music while going through their daily routine. This innovation doesn’t require your different and sole attention. It is possible that you are at the office or somewhere else, simply tune into the channel and make your exhausting day an interesting one. BOHYE 95.3 FM Ghana Live.

The staff of Kapital Radio 97.1 FM Ghana:

Individuals partnered with the channel are extraordinarily effective. They are talented in engaging their audience without allowing them to get bored. Running a radio channel has never been easy work. You must have high relational abilities endurance to be capable enough to host a radio show. Kapital Radio 97.1 FM Ghana has an entire group of producers and anchors who make an honest effort to convey all that can be expected. In addition to that, the journalists are consistently in the hope to provide local people with the most recent stories occurring in their area.

Mobile application:

To make the availability more straightforward, the group has invented a better than ever application. They have made an app to work with the clients and their necessities. The audience members would now be able to get the updates of which program will air at what time.

Contact Detail:

  • Phone: πŸ“ž +233 32 202 9040 (hotline)
  • Email: βœ‰ info@kapital971.com.
  • Whatsapp: πŸ“ž +233 50 133 7000
  • Website: 🌐 www.kapital971.com/
  • Address: πŸ“ P.O. Box 440, Kwadaso – kumasi, Ashanti – ghana