Kantinka FM 97.7 Live Streaming Online
Listen to Radio Kantinka FM Accra, Kumasi, Ghana Online Streaming Live on 97.7 Frequency. KANTINKA FM 97.7 is mostly known as informational media. It is the stage where you can track down huge loads of informational and educational programs. The station is generally well known among the students. They are the person who tunes into KANTINKA FM 97.7 on a normal basis and gets direction for their studies. What’s more, the station additionally runs telefilms and dramas. In addition to that, the channel is able to such a big audience in such a small time. Because of this reason, Kantinka FM is known to be among the most renowned stations in the country.

Since KANTINKA FM 97.7 is educational media, it has a number of programs with extraordinary quality content. Neighborhood, yet KANTINKA FM 97.7 runs worldwide shows too. You can without any difficulty tracking down a collection of shows. The channel runs real-time television shows and test programs on a week after week basis. In addition to that, the listener can without any doubt depend on the channel to give you the best shows. Joy FM 99.7 Accra Ghana Live Radio.
Mobile Application:
The KANTINKA FM 97.7 mobile application is loaded with tons of highlights. The app can be downloaded on both android and iPhone devices. In addition to that, you can likewise alter the app settings as per your need and necessities. Also, the application has weather highlights which assist with telling local people if there should be an occurrence of any weather emergency or tempest flood. Local people depend on the application for their day-by-day weather updates. It is surely among the top installed app.
The staff of KANTINKA FM 97.7:
The newsgroup and meteorologists work next to each other to introduce the updates. KANTINKA FM 97.7 has probably the best individuals working for the station. They work 24 hours and 7 days every week. The channel’s popularity is because of the working staff individuals. The greater part of anchors and newscasters are associated with the channel from the start of its very first transmission. It is on the grounds that the atmosphere of KANTINKA FM 97.7 studios is simple and corporative.
Contact Detail:
- Phone: 📞 +233 24 176 2797 (hotline)
- Email: ✉ kantinkafm@hotmail.com.
- Whatsapp: 📞 +233 50 133 7000
- Website: 🌐 www.myjoyonline.com/
- Address: 📍 Agona Swedru – Ghana
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