Ikwekwezi FM Listen Live Stream

Ikwekwezi FM
Ikwekwezi FM

Ikwekwezi FM Listen Live Stream Online

Listen to SABC Radio Ikwekwezi FM 90.6 107.7 Gauteng, Pretoria Live Online Streaming from South Africa, and Enjoy all South Africa FM Radio Live Online Stream. Ikwekwezi FM was first broadcasted on 1 January 1983. It has always been a national radio channel. Due to this reason, Ikwekwezi FM on-airs all the political and other cultural shows all the time. You can easily find all many informational programs on it.

Ikwekwezi FM
Ikwekwezi FM

During the election period and national, cultural days, Ikwekwezi FM is the most active. Basically, the channel runs its transmission 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The segment is pretty good. It has all the necessary information for the audience. The good thing is that you can listen to it anywhere you want.

Like television, you don’t have to sit for hours and hours in order to watch your favorite shows or news. With the availability of radio technology, you can travel anywhere you want while listening to the happening taking place in the region. This is definitely a great way to stay informed without disturbing your daily routine. Channel Africa Radio Live Stream.


Along with information, Ikwekwezi FM has a lot of entertainment shows as well. It consists of music programs and tons of podcasts. Ikwekwezi FM has millions of followers who tune into the channel every single day. It is because the content provided by Ikwekwezi FM is of great quality.

The channel never compromises on bringing quality to the shows. Many famous have joined in the talk shows. In addition to that, the channel has sessions of live calls as well. It is where they receive calls from the local community and intake their suggestions as well.


Moreover, people affiliated with Ikwekwezi FM are of great skills and experience. The channel has the reputation of having employees for the longest period of time. This is surely a great success. The credit goes to the humble and trustworthy environment of the station. People want to work for Ikwekwezi FM. And the channel tries its best to bring the most talented people as anchors.

Mobile app:

Ikwekwezi FM mobile app is one of the best and most versatile applications for your mobile phones. It gives you all the access to the channel’s content.

Contact Detail:

  • Studio: 089 120 7667
  • SMS: 45983 (SMS Charged at R1.50)
  • Email: info@ikwekwezifm.co.za
  • Office Number: (012) 431-5477
  • Fax Number: (012) 431-531
  • Postal Address: P.O. Box 11620 Hatfield; Pretoria 0028

Ikwekwezi FM

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