Hijau FM Listen Live Streaming Online
Listen to Live Radio Hijau FM Perak, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Sabah Online Streaming on 88.9 Frequency. Hijau FM was launched in March 2013. It is basically an Islamic radio channel. This means that you can find all sorts of religious shows and programs over here. The channel is versatile indeed.

The channel has its own way of broadcasting valuable and educational information to the audience. In just a couple of years of its transmission, Hijau FM has gained over 5 million followers the past couple of years. This is a very short period of time and no doubt, Hijau FM has become one of the top religious channels in the country.
This is a Malaysian radio network, therefore the transmission is also broadcasted in the Malay language. Due to the availability of high-tech transmission towers, Hijau FM is able to reach out to the far most places as well. In addition to that, you can also listen to shows via live stream on the official website of Hijau FM. Radio Bayu FM Online Astro.
The channel uses the slogan, “Grace for all”. This is definitely a truth that Hijau FM is bringing new changes into the lives of the local community. As the matter of fact, more and more people are looking forward to the listen to Islamic programs all day long. Hijau FM invites some of the top and best scholars of the country.
In addition to that, it also arranges live seminars for the people to join in and have the privilege to meet their ideals. Thus, Hijau FM is doing great work promoting authenticity and knowledge among the people. This is a purely Islamic channel that guides the audience with any issue they face regarding lifestyle and social norms.
The people working for Hijau FM are themselves well qualified. This is the reason that they are able to have meaningful conversations with the guests. The channel very carefully selects its anchors under tight observation so that they are able to have religious conversations with the guests.
Mobile app:
The mobile app for Hijau FM can be downloaded on any of the android or iPhone devices. You can receive all the channel’s content on the app.
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