Groot FM Listen Live Stream

Groot FM
Groot FM

Groot FM Live Stream Now Online

Listen to Radio Groot FM 90.5 Pretoria Live Online Streaming from South Africa, and Enjoy all South Africa FM Radio Live Online Stream. Groot FM basically broadcasts for the Pretoria, Centurion, and its nearby areas. Likewise, you can also tune the channel from anywhere around the world. This can be made possible via an audio stream from the official website of the channel.

Groot FM
Groot FM

This is the reason that Groot FM has both a national and international audience. In just a couple of years of its transmission, the channel made around 5 million audiences, who tune into the channel every single day. This large community of people has definitely brought Groot FM to new heights of popularity.

In just a few years of transmission, the station has been among the top ten radio networks of the country. Surely, this is not a small number to people who have Groot FM on their “must listen to” list. Bosveld Stereo Live Stream.


Groot FM on-airs a whole bunch of talk shows, reality programs along with high-quality music. In addition to that, the channel airs informational documentaries for the students and people who are interested in listening to stuff other than music and news. Groot FM is a platform for the emerging talent of the country.

You can not only listen to but can also become part of the participant. In regards to the music, well the channel plays some of the best music from all sorts of genres. You can listen to non-stop back-to-back music from all around the world. This includes Jazz, hip hop, rap, and hometown songs. And the list goes on and on.


Groot FM has to give credit to its audience who are always working hard to provide the audience with the best content possible. The channel has a lot to offer to its people. It is because of the efficient staff members who bring joy and smiles to the local community. This is the reason that most of the anchors and show hosts have their own fan following.

Mobile app:

The mobile application for Groot FM is incredibly efficient. You can easily download the app and enjoy the full-time availability of transmission. The app contains all the important features.

Contact Detail:

  • Phone (Office): +27 (0) 12 349 2574
  • E-pos:
  • SMS: 49905
  • Whatsapp: 061 610 4576

Groot FM

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