FM 95 Jhelum Live

FM 95 Jhelum Radio Sunrise

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Listen to Live Radio Sunrise FM 95 Jhelum Online Streaming from Pakistan,

FM 95 Jhelum is a local community radio station of Pakistan, Owned by Sunrise radio network, The station provides the best place for its listeners to share their ideas and positive knowledge, It broadcasts their live shows 6AM to 12 AM and cover the major towns of cities such as Gakhars,  Gujars,  JanjuaRajputs, Jalaps, CheemaJats(khandohaJat), Marath, MinhasRajputs, Dhamial, Kalyal, Sudan, Washer, Bhaktiyarzai, Dhillon, Gondal, Kahlon, Ghuman, Sipra, Nagyal, Thathal, Kashmiris, Khokhars, Their DJ’s are so much famous across the whole country, The format of programs is changed daily base and the subject of topic announcer is very interesting that’s why listeners take a lot of interest, if you want to be a part of FM 95 Jhelum radio then call us on +92-51-2290294 number.

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
Here you can also enjoy FM 96 Sahiwal Live.

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