Listen to Live Radio Energy 100 FM 100.0 Klein Windhoek Online Streaming and Enjoy all other Namibia FM Radios News & Music Live Online Stream. Listen Energy 100FM Live Online Streaming Klein Windhoek, Radio Energy is additionally to be gotten on 100 FM in Namibia with the most of the interesting programs and the shows. The extension of Energy FM is in different parts of the nation arranged. The transmitter can be heard through web live broadcasts and by means of satellite around the world. The project of the FM Energy concentrates on overhauls and news from Namibia, southern Africa and far and wide. Musically, the best 90’s from the 80s, 2000’s are played today for the charming listeners. Additionally Namibian ability be advanced for the most of the listeners because of our live Internet transmissions which is a paramount advertising apparatus for the nation and its tourism industry and consequently the sender can help financial improvement of the nation.