E FM Listen Online Stream
Listen to Live Radio E FM 88.3 Colombo Online Streaming from Sri Lanka, E FM is a Life Style radio station in SriLanka playing 1980s music, Which broadcast their live On-Air programs in 100.4 MHz and is also simulcast in Kandy at 93.2 MHz or 88.3, It was launched in Colombo December 1999 and Kandy in 14 September 2007, operated and managed by Colombo Communications Ltd, The radio always try to meet the demand of listeners through their programs, Its head office is located in the Center venture town 4F, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae GU, Busan Metropolitan city, If you want to be a part of this radio then call us on 82-(51)-663-0100.
If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
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