DhukDhuki FM 95.2 MHz Online Radio

Dhuk Dhuki FM 95.2
Dhuk Dhuki FM 95.2

DhukDhuki FM 95.2 MHz Live Streaming Online

Listen to Live Radio DhukDhuki FM Online Streaming Live on 95.2 MHz Frequency Sarlahi, Dhading, Nepal. Additionally, DhukDhuki FM 95.2 MHz has a brilliant assortment of melodies and music from around the world. Indeed, you can track down a wide range of music on the radio broadcast. Consistently, DhukDhuki FM 95.2 MHz runs tunes for 3, 4 successive hours with any promotion. Thusly, you can pay attention to your main tunes again and again. This is an incredible way for individuals to invest their free energy day or night.

Dhuk Dhuki FM 95.2
Dhuk Dhuki FM 95.2

Radio DhukDhuki is one of Nepali’s most famous radio broadcasts in the country. It centers around running probably the most well-known and famous projects for individuals. In accordance with that, the channel runs different news programs intermittently and every day. This assists the nearby local area with keeping in contact with genuine conditions and the issues that happen around them.

It could be said, Radio DhukDhuki has assumed a fundamental part in individuals’ lives. It is tied in with giving significant information and data records to the crowd. The primary objective of the channel isn’t just to instruct the nearby local area yet additionally to keep them educated regarding the most popular trends and ways of life that individuals pick. Chiyabari FM 88.2 MHz Online Radio.

Mobile application:

You can now effectively download the DhukDhuki FM mobile app to your cell phone. Regardless of whether it is an android or an iPhone, the application is effectively open on a gadget. This assists you with remaining informed with regard to channel content. Essentially, you never again need to stress over passing up any show or program. The application will send you warnings when any new game is going to be communicated. Moreover, it likewise gives the recording of past projects.

Ideal targeted group:

With more than 8 million devotees, this radio broadcast carries new and more individuals to its station consistently. With this tempest, it is occupant on channel chiefs to keep up with great quality substance consistently. Keeping countless crowds cheerful has never been a simple undertaking for media organizations. Yet, some way or another Dhuk Dhuki FM 95.2 MHz can do as such quite well.

Contact Detail:

  • Phone: 📞 +977046501656 (hotline)
  • Email: ✉ dhukdhukifm@gmail.com/
  • Fax: ☎ +977-027-521012
  • Website: 🌐 dhukdhukifm.com/
  • Address: 📍 Ilam-7 Bhanupath

Dhuk Dhuki FM

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