Classic FM 101.2 Mhz Live Streaming Online
Listen to Radio Classic FM 101.2 Mhz Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal Online Streaming Live on 94.4 MHz Frequency. Classic FM 101.2 Nepal is the channel currently running in Nepal. It mainly focuses on broadcasting some of the best and top classical music and shows from the older days. You can easily find songs from 197from 1970 or even way back before that. These are known to be the golden eras of time. It is because radio was a flourishing medium during those days.

Moreover, it was actually the main source of transmission. Due to this reason, people were included in this form of entertainment. But today, where many other forms of media technology have taken over the world, Classic FM 101.2 Nepal has still somehow managed to gain an audience in the times like this. Its main reason is the availability of some of the most amazing content and songs for the listeners to hear all day long. In addition to that Classic FM 101.2 Nepal acts as the source of education for the local community as well.
In times of pandemic where acquiring basic knowledge has become a difficult task, the channel has stepped forward to broadcast some of the best informational documentaries for the general public. This is a perfect way to spread the word of knowledge among the people in a much easier and more fun way. Butwal FM 94.4 MHz Live Online.
The staff of Classic FM 101.2 Nepal:
The people affiliated with Classic FM 101.2 Nepal are some of the most amazing and hardworking people you’ll ever get to know. They work day and night and try their very best to bring smiles to the listeners at any coast. There are around 50 to 60 people currently working for the channel. Moreover, the team consists of anchors, producers, and an off-mike crew. Sometimes, the producers and DJs spend days or even weeks creating valuable content for the people.
Mobile app:
Download the Classic FM 101.2 mobile app now and get free access to the channel’s content. This application can easily be downloaded on any android or iPhone device. You basically need not worry about not receiving the signals properly. Moreover, you no longer have to worry about missing any show.
Classic FM 101.2 Mhz Presenters:
Contact Detail:
- Address: Jawalakhel, Lalitpur 44600
- Contact No. ☎ +977-1-5454598 (Admin.) ☎ +977-1-5455139 (Studio)
- E-Mail: ✉ ✉
- Website:
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