City FM Sri Lanka

City FM 92.2 Sri Lanka

Listen City FM Live Stream

Listen to Live Radio SLBC City FM 91.2 89.6 Colombo Online Streaming from Sri Lanka, City FM is an Asian Music, Community radio station of Sri Lanka, Owned by the government of Lanka and work under the management of the Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), It broadcasts their live On-Air transmission on 92.2 frequency with the Capacity of 1500 Watt transmitter Studio and Tower Administration system and cover the major cities of the country, It was launched Prime Minister of Ceylon in 1967, Its main aim is to advocate for social changes through broadcasting and publications. It provides Skill development and promotion training for the people of the community through its programs.

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
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