Bahana FM Ngawi


Listen Radio Bahana FM 104.5 Live Online Streaming from Ngawi city, Radio Bahana Ngawi is the first FM radio in the town of Ngawi. Built in 2000 in Jl. Lt. Sutoyo 04 Ngawi, and in 2005 moved area on Jl Trunojoyo 119 Ngawi. With the adage of Bahana FM, which is heard Pass, go in the liver it accompanies a touch of diversion and data to go for the whole group of onlookers. Islamic Shari’a sanitization from all types of avoid, blasphemy and contorted considering are taken in transmissions. For more info’s please contact, Studio: tel (0351) 744 250 SMS 08,563,454,545, Office: tel/ fax (0351) 745 877.