Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili Live Online

Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili
Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili

Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili Tanzania Listen Online Live Stream

Listen to Live Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili Online Streaming Live on 97.0 MHz Frequency Dar es salaam, Moshi, Dodoma, Arusha, Morogoro, IRINGA1, Mwanza, MTWARA, Tanzania. Listen to the live online streaming of Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili. It is a Maswa based radio station but, BBC does streaming over the internet. It has a frequency of 97.0 FM MHz. Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili name is in Swahili language. It is known as “Wake Up with the BBC” in the English Language. As the name of the radio shows that it wants to make a listener wake up from an unknown state. It aims to make listeners aware of everything.

Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili
Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili

This radio on-air news, interviews, and article at 6 pm and 1 am in East Africa. The genre of news is the main thing of the Amka Na BBC. The famous hosts of the region host the interview programs of it. The well-known and experienced journalists and anchors broadcast news of the whole world from its platform. Listen TBC Taifa Online Radio Tanzania.

The listeners of it will get all the current news, circumstances, issues, and weather condition very fast on this radio. Its research team, reporters, journalists, writers, managers, IT professionals, Tech department, producers, and directors work 24/7 to get the most of the news and give it to the audience of it. Their hard work, dedication, and continuous struggle for serving the nation with the best of content make it the best and most popular radio station in the world.

Vision and Mission:

The Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili aims to work further on its expansion of it. It aims to serve the whole world with its services. It wants to collaborate with companies worldwide to promote its channel and attract the audience of other countries. It is looking forward to an increasing number of programs and adding variety in genres. Its wish to be unique and more helpful for the listeners is the way to its success in the world of radio stations. This Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili reaches a top position in the list and is listened to worldwide.

Amka Na BBC mobile app:

Wake up with the BCC or you can say that Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili is now available as a mobile app on your smartphones. All you need to do is go to the app store and download the android version or iOS version for you.

Contact Detail:

  • Phone: 📞 +255 655 018 373 (hotline)
  • Email: ✉
  • Fax: ☎ +255 655 018 373
  • Website: 🌐
  • Address: 📍 P.O.Box 9191.

Amka Na BBC Radio Swahili

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