Listen to Live Radio Alpha FM 98.7 Kampala Online Streaming and Enjoy all other Uganda FM Radios News & Music Live Online Stream. Radio Alpha FM uganda 98.7 Online from Kampala, As the name Alpha FM showing the superiority of this station which is one of the most popular radio channels situated at the place of Kampala, Uganda. This network position looks for to be a factor towards building up individuals and marginalized communities’ especially by advertising their problems and improving their contribution in the regional and national growth applications. The genre is full of Gospel which is the loving criteria of content for the listeners other than this the Top 40/pop music is also the famous one in the location. Our team wants to have the problems and feedback of the less endowed in community take middle level in the town, for a reasonable and just world. Overall mission of this channel is to motivate community to appreciate the problems of the least noticed females, kids, individuals with incapacity, and young people among others, through the efficient use of press for maintainable growth. Goals are to provide, distribute and come back growth information to different concentrate on categories for their use, conversation and opinions. The broadcasting medium is the English Language.