Alai FM 91.4 Sri Lanka

Alai FM 91.4 Sri Lanka

Alai FM Listen Online

Listen to Live Radio Alai fm 91.4 Colombo Online Streaming from Sri Lanka, Alai FM is a newly launched 24 hours music radio station SriLanka which is so much popular in Tamil Nadu Community for its quality its programs, It broadcasts their live On-Air programs in 91.4 frequencies and cover the all major cities of the country, They RJ, s always work hard to provide the best entertainment and information to listeners, FM has consistent lively programs which aim at empowering the audiences, The target audience includes both male and female aspiring for information for socioeconomic development, it has acquired large listener ship leading to loyalty.

If you want to get more info about Channel then visit the Official Website of the station, Please wait for few second while the streaming load automatically.
Here you can also enjoy Radio Rangiri Sri Lanka.

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