Global TV Live Streaming Online

Global TV

Watch GTV Global TV Live Online Stream

(GTV) Global TV is free to air private entertainment and informational television channel of Indonesia, The station is very popular all over the country for its quality multi programs telegrams, Sport, Fashion and much more, It telecasts and operated from its head office located in West Jakarta, It broadcast their live transmission 24 hours 7 days a week, It was launched January 1, 1998, Owned by Media Nusantara Citra. Furthermore, here you can also Watch Dhamma TV Malang

Global TV
Global TV

Global TV Indonesia made its very first debut on 8 October 2002. Global TV mainly broadcasts reality and game shows, along with Nickelodeon cartoons. Moreover, the entertainment sector of the station is quite strong and efficient. It telecasts multi-programs and shows that attract millions of audiences these days. As the matter of fact, this is the reason that the channel has gained so much popularity among the local community in the last couple of years. It provides some of the best reality shows and entertainment programs. In addition to that, the channel owns a high-quality transmitter located right next to the office.


In the early days, the channel mainly aired Islamic dawah. At that time it was the first Islamic-oriented television station in Indonesia. Global TV’s main content consisted of Islamic programs and was mostly active on religious events like Eids. Later on, the channel started including some other shows as well. While all these changes were taking place, the channel kept its basic Islamic rules and values and broadcasted those programs that did not violate the Islamic code of ethics.

In general, it is an overall Television that has reality shows, kid’s programs, news for adult and mature audiences, and most importantly, the news feeds. In the recent estimation, Global TV Indonesia has become the most popular station among the top groups of networks. It surely has its own fan-based following.


Global TV Indonesia has the most productive and hardworking staff, you could ever find. They are always working 24/7 to bring out the best content for their viewers. Keeping the audience entertained is not an easy job and the staff tries their best to make it possible. You can count on the team to provide you with the most authentic content. The team of reporters and newscasters is always on the go to catch the latest happenings around the city and the local community.

Mobile app:

In case you might miss out on any show, download Global TV Indonesia for the latest highlights and news updates. You can also watch the news in live streaming.

Global TV

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