Shreenagar FM 93.2 Mhz Live Online

Shreenagar FM 93.2
Shreenagar FM 93.2

Shreenagar FM 93.2 Mhz Live Streaming Online

Listen to Radio Shreenagar FM Tansen Palpa, Nepal Online Streaming Live on 93.2 MHz Frequency. Shreenagar FM 93.2 MHz has its offices located in Tansen Nepal. It made its very first appearance in 2007. The channel gives all the fundamental data that you want. It has entertainment segments as well as informative news. Shreenagar FM 93.2 ultimate plan is to target the crowd from each age group. This is the reason that regardless of age group, the channel has a variety of shows. Likewise, you can track down anything as per your need and want.

Shreenagar FM 93.2
Shreenagar FM 93.2

Shreenagar FM 93.2 has been among the top channels of Nepal. The channel has a wide collection of shows. For the children, it has unique programming where the channel gives some wide-ranging interesting shows. Furthermore, the understudy class is additionally not left behind either. Every month or at some point on weekly basis, the channel on-airs shows where they welcome researchers and expert instructors to have an enlightening conversation with individuals around. Likewise, the channel has additionally had choices to get the audio calls from the nearby crowd. In this manner, the audience can partake in the open conversation and offer their points of view on things.

This is an extraordinary method for teaching the nearby local area and spreading significant data to individuals. With regards to the entertainment portion, Shreenagar FM 93.2 MHzhas is probably the best musical show for its local community. With being open 24 hours and 7 days every week, the channel on-airs all types of music from all through the world. Radio Pokhara FM 95.8 Mhz Live Online.

The staff of Shreenagar FM 93.2 MHz:

Individuals associated with Shreenagar FM 93.2 MHz are exceptionally proficient and gifted in their particular fields. In addition, they realize how to engage the crowd simply with the skill of talking. Anchoring at the radio channel is never simple work. You certainly must be vocally solid with extraordinary discussion capacity. In like manner, you should be sufficiently capable to run the show all by yourself.

Mobile app:

Shreenagar FM 93.2 has created a mobile application. Moreover, you can similarly download it on any of your iPhone or Android gadgets.

Contact Detail:

  • Phone: 📞 +9075-521660, 521732 (hotline)
  • Email: ✉
  • Fax: ☎ +977-84-420428
  • Website: 🌐
  • Address: 📍 Kailashnagar 7, Tansen Palpa

Shreenagar FM 93.2

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