Unity FM 92.2 Mhz Live Online

Unity FM 92.2
Unity FM 92.2

Unity FM 92.2 Mhz Live Streaming Online

Listen to Live Radio Unity FM Amargadhi, Nepal Online Streaming Live on 92.2 Mhz Frequency. Radio Unity FM Amargadhi is winning hearts all over the country. This is because Radio Unity FM – Amargadhi has the best quality content above all the other channels. It provides its services 24/7. Due to this reason, you can tune into the channel at any time of the day or night you want.

Unity FM 92.2
Unity FM 92.2

The radio station has the ability to make any boring day special. Unlike television networks, radio channels do not require your undivided attention. In fact, you can easily listen to it without making any big changes in your daily routine work. Either you are driving or working in the gym, Radio Unity FM – Amargadhi can be your day-to-day partner to get rid of boredom.

The weather team is active all the kind and it makes sure that it provides the most accurate readings about the latest climatic update. In case of any weather emergency, the channel provides all kinds of warnings and alerts to the local community. Radio Shuklaphanta FM 99.4 Mhz Live.


Play Radio Unity FM all day long. It provides you with the best shows and programs. In addition to that, the channel has a separate segment for news and other informational documentaries. It provides you with day-to-day and hourly news update about the local community. This is a great way for the local community to stay updated about their surroundings and related areas. Moreover, it also provides weather updates and sports highlights for all kinds of games.


Radio Unity FM has some of the best people working for the channel. They are dedicated and loyal to their network. This dedication is easily visible through the quality of content that they provide. As a matter of that, the team is always working hard to make sure that they meet up to the requirement of the audience’s interest. Entertaining people has never been an easy job for people. But the team of Radio Unity FM – Amargadhi is incredibly efficient.

Mobile app:

The application for Radio Unity FM – Amargadhi is easily downloaded on iPhone or Android phones.

Contact Details:

  • Phone: 096-420414, 420415, 420416
  • Email: info.radiounity@gmail.com
  • Website: www.radiounity.com.np
  • Address: Amargadhi, Dadeldhura

Unity FM 92.2

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